Saturday, November 7, 2009
Two Fairies and a Lego...
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Curse of Facebook
This way, I will know if I need to continue this blog, or retire it. Thanks for you cooperation!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
In search of the Perfect (Maxi) Dress...
Today I was shopping and trying on dresses. I thought maybe I would get one if I found the Perfect Dress. I don't know how many I tried on, but it was far too many. They were either too low cut, or not bra-friendly. Granted, my 30-something body is no longer a size 4, and my 3-babies-used boobs are not where they used to be, but come on!! Is it too much to ask for a cute dress that actually covers everything it should? I can already tell it will be a battle to teach my girls modesty when I can barely find them clothes to fit the bill.
Ok. I'm off my soapbox. For now.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Catching Up
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Missing my Hubby...Remembering Debbie
Missing my hubby to me means that things just aren't quite the same here without him. My world seems to be slightly off-kilter. Food doesn't taste the same, TV isn't as fun to watch, I don't sleep as well, I don't get very much adult conversation, and I have no one to turn to and say, "It's YOUR turn," when the kids are yelling and fighting yet again. As some of you know, this particular time has been much worse than before when he has been gone, and God has chosen for some reason to test me in ways that I didn't think I was prepared for. But I was wrong. I have learned that God has His own plans and who am I to argue? Bottom line is that while sometimes it is nice to have some time to myself in my marrriage, it is even better to be with my hubby.
As for remembering Debbie, I had a wonderful dream last night which was the night before Ashley's wedding. I walked into a room and there was Debbie as alive as ever staring at me. I ran to her and we held each other and sobbed and sobbed. I cannot tell you how real this dream was. I could see her, feel her, smell her, and hear her telling me she loved me. I showed her our Angel Baby Caroline and we talked and I realized that she hadn't died at all, but had gone away so that her loved ones wouldn't have to see her suffer. I woke up soon after and of course realized it wasn't real, but I still feel like God gave me a glimpse of her- my "fix" I guess. I had been praying the last few days for something to happen for Ashley while she was in St. Croix. I hope she has felt Debbie's presence the way I did. I know Debbie is smiling down on her as proud as she can be.
Monday, May 11, 2009
All About Mom
What is one thing Mom always says to you?
Charlie- You ask me to take care of Caroline.
Madeline- I Love You.
What makes Mom happy?
C- If I clean my room.
M- Giving you a flower.
What makes Mom sad?
C- If I don't clean my room.
M- Not giving you anything.
What makes Mom laugh?
C- When I tickle you.
M- Tickling you.
What was Mom like as a child?
C- I don't know, I wasn't even born yet!
M- With curly hair. (umm.. nope)
What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
C- Take pictures.
M- Picking flowers for me.
What does Mom do when you're not around?
C- Watch TV. (unfortunately one of my vices.)
M- Clean the dishes.
If Mom were famous, what would it be for?
C- Taking pictures. (He hates taking pictures, can you tell?)
M- A rock star. (wow)
What is Mom good at?
C- Taking care of Caroline. (awww!)
M- Playing the computer.
What is Mom not very good at?
C- Doing school with me. (Yikes! Gimme a break- it's only our first year!)
M- Not buying a pet horse. (!!!)
What does Mom do for a job?
C- Doing school with me.
M- Cutting my hair.
(If only I COULD get paid for these!)
What is Mom's favorite food?
C- Your strawberry cereal. (Special K)
M- Strawberries. (This is really her fave. My fave? Chocolate and Italian.)
Why are you proud of your Mom?
C-You're the greatest Mom! (awwwww again!)
M- Cleaning the whole house. (yikes again!)
If Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
C- Gwen on Ben 10 Alien Force. She has orange hair and a pink force field. (Wouldn't that be cool?)
M-A rock star.
What do you and Mom like to do together?
C- School. (I feel better now.)
M- Putting dirty clothes in the washer.
How are you and Mom the same?
C- We love each other the same amount.
M- Our feet. (God, please don't let her get my feet!)
How are you and Mom different?
C-You're older than me.
M-I don't have the same shirt as you.
What is Mom's favorite place to go?
C- Hope's house to see Miss Mandy. (Probably true- also Starbuck's and Children's Place)
M- Dairy Queen and Tres Ninos.
How do you know Mom loves you?
C- You always hug me.
M- You help my boo boo feel better.
(more awwws!)
Out of the mouths of babes.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Louis Boyd
As I write, my children are bringing me flowers from outside. It seems fitting, doesn't it? No matter how angry I get at them, or how crazy they make me sometimes, my love for them is unconditional and unending. I cannot imagine losing a child at any age. It is something no one should have to endure- it isn't natural in the circle of life. And yet it happens. And someday, they will be someone's aunts and uncle, mothers and father, and prayerfully, grandparents. We seem to take family for granted until they are gone. I am reminded that even though I didn't know Louis very well, he still had an impact on my life. He was an amazing godly man, and he was so funny. He was wise and was always ready with advice for Dave in his ministry. And Shela is such a wonderful Pastor's wife. I have always been inspired by her devotion to him, which was unwavering in the end. She handled his plight with such dignity and faith (as did he), that I wonder if I would have in her shoes. It is tragic for such a life to end, no matter how prepared we all were. And Travis is now a minister as well, no doubt inspired by his dad. Rest well, Uncle Louis.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Prayer for Louis
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Easter!
And this little bunny fell asleep before picture taking was over!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
"Nummies" a.k.a. "Num-Nums."
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sweet Aromas
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Not enough hours in the day..."
So now I really know the meaning of not having enough hours in the day. I'm not complaining about having kids, mind you, but it seems like some things just never get done. Will I always have this "feeling" that something is left undone? That something needs my attention (besides my kids) and I just can't quite get to it? This begs the question- What would I do with just one more hour in the day? Now for me, one more hour wouldn't cut it. It would have to be more like three or four because if I only have one hour, I won't even get started! So here is my list of things I would do with more hours in the day:
- Clean out all closets
- Clean out and organize the laundry room
- Clean out the garage
- Make a bulletin board for Madeline's room
- Make hair clips for the girls
- Paint hanging pegs for Madeline's room
- Clean out my jewelry cabinet
- Make a bulletin board for the church
- Make drapes for the church nursery
- Clean out our endless toys
- Clean out just about every cabinet in our home
- Teach Charlie to tie his shoes and ride a bike (I know- Slacker Mom!)
- Organize the pictures on my computer
- Make a collage of Caroline's body parts (you know, hands, feet, tummy, nose,etc.)
- Get back in touch with a friend in Alabama who called me before the holidays
- Read more books
- Research homeschooling more
- Scrapbook! Scrapbook! Scrapbook!
What would you do with more hours in your day??
Monday, March 16, 2009
A few more updates...
The Birthday Princess
Mom's Attempt at a Homemade cake.
"Mmmmmm, Yummy!"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
And then I thought I'd take a little break. After all, we hadn't seen the top of our kitchen table in months, I was seeing a way to cut and decorate almost EVERY surface and design I came across, I would lie in bed at night and search my mind for a way to finish that one page, and I needed more adult conversation. Maybe I'd read a book. Just think of what I could do with all those hours!
It would be different if I were one of those moms that could just put the pictures in photo albums and give them dates and let that be that (no offense, Mandy!). I ALMOST wish I were one of those moms. And there is nothing wrong with being one of those moms- they are certainly under a lot less pressure and stress than I am, not to mention much more organized. But here's the thing. Ever since I was very young, I have loved paper. I used to collect stationary (really- just ask my mom!). I couldn't get enough of it. And then I didn't want to use it all because I liked it so much, so if I got down to the last sheet of it, I would keep it stashed away in a safe place. I would go into paper stores back then and go nuts and want it all. And this was 20-some-odd years ago. So you can only imagine what walking into a scrapbooking store does to me now. There is something about finding the perfect sheet of paper to highlight my precious photos- and did I mention I also collected stickers whe I was little? In books and binders and on folders, and I traded them and horded them. So again, the lure of a scrapbooking store! Not to mention all the other embellishments they have come out with in the last 20 years. I am hopeless!
So when I actually see my precious babes on a page that brings out their personality and tells a story that may not otherwise be told, it is such a treasure. There are things about Charlie's first year that I cannot even remember, but when we break out that book together we have so much joy looking at it together. And someday his wife will have such a treasure (If I can give it up!) And I know that my photos are on archival safe papers and in binders that will keep them their true colors forever. Even my husband must admit it's mice to pull out those books once in a while- and he does!
So here is my pledge. To my family, to my friends, to my kids, to whomever visits our home, and to you who are gracious enought to read my blog- this summer I will have my scrapbooking endeavour out on our dining room table indefinitely. Our meals will be eaten at the kitchen table, guests can use TV trays, and there will be NO impending babies! I will start with the most recent and move backwards from there. I will use all my birthday money for supplies. And I will take any donations of printer ink and picture paper for all the printing of pictures that will ensue. Please keep me accountable!
So in honor of the occasion, here are only a few of my favorites from Charlie's first 6 months book (yes, I had to divide his book into two!) Pardon the flashes and Caroline's hands- that's her saying, "I want my book, too!"
This is my first Mother's Day. The journaling reads, "I couldn't believe that I actually got to celebrate my first Mother's Day. God gave you to us and you made me a mother. I hope that I can always live up to that title. I know I will make mistakes, and I know the day will come that you may not feel as close to me as you do now, but always know you are my son, my firstborn, my "Sweetest Boy," my baby. I love you with all my heart and I always will."
This is a layout of Charlie's great-grandparents, two of which have gone to be with the Lord. Win in the first picture, and Granny in the middle have since passed and never even got to see Caroline. So these pictures are priceless to me.
Don't know if you wanted to have such a long ramblings-on about scrapbooking, but consider it my pledge to continue with my passion. Moms don't make enough time for their own passions do they? So really- keep me accountable!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Remembering Debbie
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sweet Baby Birthdays
Here is my precious Angel Baby Caroline on her first birthday. I can't believe she is one today. It seems like just yesterday that I gave birth to her. How can a year go by so quickly while so many things happen in that short amount of time? She is such a joy to us and to her brother and sister and our family and friends. She is a cuddler, she laughs, she loves anything with apples in it, and Ritz crackers are her favorite snack. She loves playing Peek-A-Boo, and raising her arms to show us "How big is Caroline?" She crawls at the speed of light when she hears the bath water running, and she loves her paci, blankie and nummies when it's time to sleep. She loves when her brother rolls with her on the floor, and when her sister helps mom sing "If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops..." She loves to dance and is walking better and better every day- even learning how to walk in shoes now. She loves to stand at the back door and watch through the window as her brother and sister play outside. She loves Baby Einstein and Baby Praise videos, and unfortunately, she loves the toilet. She wants so badly to be included in playing with her brother and sister, sometimes much to their dismay. And today, we discovered that she loves chocolate ice cream.
If only time could slow. If only the minutes would seem more like hours and the hours more like days. When it comes to our kids, it seems that we go through life at warp speed only to find that we feel like we missed it. Have I "stopped to smell the roses" enough over the past year? Can I continue to do that with her, knowing that she is our last baby and that each moment with her is so precious? And when she is older like her brother and sister and the "firsts" are over and the chubbiness is gone, will I still be able to remember her the way she is now, at this very minute? And will I find, as I have with them, that the same exact thing is happening? That I am going through life at warp speed and feeling like I'm missing something? So, Lord, on this Caroline's first birthday, let me never take time with my kids for granted. Help me make each minute count for something. Help me be patient and loving and kind. Help me make memories that will last forever. Help me remember that you have entrusted them to us to make an eternal difference. Use us as parents to help shape them into who you want them to be. And thank you for our three precious babes.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mom's Beauty Shop
There! All straight across the bottom! It is actually much thicker now and hopefully will grow into a much better shape. Unfortunately, it made her look older, too!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"Barack Obama"
Yikes! While I probably should have taken time at home with my kids to explain what is going on in our nation, I have not yet done so at any length. So when Madeline came in with this exciting news, I was floored. My 4-year-old jsut said the words "Barack Obama." It just sounded so wierd coming from her. She went on to say that they were going to "watch the movie of it" tomorrow at school. I was also aware that she did not say George Bush's name. So we had a little lesson right there in our kitchen.
It is not lost on me that today is a huge day in the history of our country. The nation has elected the first African-American President. That is such a big deal for so many people. And even though he wouldn't have been MY choice for President, the fact remains that he is now MY President. And as such I am called to pray for him and support him in that role. While it is hard for me to see the excitement on Madeline's face whenever she sees Barack Obama, I cannot let my thoughts and feelings on the subject seep through. I must teach my kids what the Bible teaches us. We are to pray for our leaders.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Turbo School
Charlie: "Well, actually, me and Dad have Super-Charged Turbo School."
Mom: (Heart sinks)
I guess I knew the day would come when my Sweetest Boy would identify more with his dad, but he's only 6! Do I have to let go so soon? Thankfully "Super-Charged Turbo Dad" was able to convince Charlie that he could have Mega School with Mom. Gee, Thanks!! Sigh.... Letting go little by little over the years ...... This is only the beginning..........