Friday, January 18, 2008

Prayer for Ms. Debbie

Please continue to pray for our friend and surrogate grandmother, Debbie Dennis. She seems to be at an imapsse in her treatment. She has a tear in her intestine and after surgery on Wednesday to attempt to fix it, the doctors have concluded they cannot. There is too much build up and scar tissue in her abdominal cavitiy to break through. We are now waiting to see what is next. She is in very good spirits and is ready to go home and get back to her life. I cannot imagine handling the health obstacles she has faced with even one tenth of the grace and courage she has. She is such a godly woman and her constant reminder to us is "I'm in God's hands." She has fought so hard for so long, and she and everyone around her is continually made stronger and drawn closer to God because of it. She is truly an inspiration and we love her so much. Please pray for her healing if that is what God desires, and for her son, Chris and daughter, Ashley as they care for her. Also for all of us who have been blessed by her life that we would be strong and continue to help and care for her. Charlie and Madeline love her like a grandmother- she calls them her grandkids. Please pray for their understanding while she is ill. She also cannot wait to meet Baby Caroline. I will continue to post updates. Thank you in advance for the prayers and also for those of you who have been all along.

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