Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas with Ms. Claus

Well, the kids were a part of the Christmas parade in Nocona. Madeline's preschool decorated wagons and Charlie went along, too. Then they sang in the gazebo downtown, and Madeline's ballet class performed. Her first performance!! I was so proud! I still can't believe I am teaching my own daughter to dance! And soon, I'll have two! Afterwards, they were able to sit on Santa's lap. Our friend Debbie dresses as Ms. Claus every year and this year was very special as she has been pretty sick the past couple of months. In fact, we had not even seen her for about 8 weeks. So it was wonderful that she felt well enough to do something that she loves so much. And the kids were so excited to see her! As was I!! Please continue to pray for her that she will gain strength and get well enough to continue to live her life the way she wants.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun and....Shopping!!

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time for our family this year. Grandpa is here from Florida and we all went to my parent's house for a few days. Charlie and Madeline loved seeing their cousins, Jordan and Jared, and Charlie and Aunt Sharon seemed to hit it off especially well. The kids spent time in the Gameroom, the three dogs spent time fighting for attention, the guys watched football, and the ladies watched the sales. We had turkey and all the trimmings, including homemade Cranberry Sauce by Mom, and my late grandmother's Pumpkin Pie which Sharon made. The only thing missed was time with out of town families.

Then, Friday came. Mom and I had been looking forward to this day for over a week and made all our plans the day before. We got up at 4AM, left the house at 4:30, and proceded to Christmas shop for 11 hours!! It was tiring but oh, so much fun!! We started at Toys R Us at 5AM and went from there to Kohl's, Target, Wal-Mart, Sam's, Family Bookstore, Lowe's, Best Buy, the Mall, and Kirkland's Home. I cannot believe how much we accomplished even though we stood in line A LOT! (The longest was 2 hours at Kohl's.) But you know, it's worth it. I wish I knew exactly how much we saved by doing this because the deals were incredible. And the best part of it is the excitement of Christmas. I love buying gifts, hearing Christmas music playing on the speakers, smelling cinamon and pine scented potpourri, looking at all the decorations, watching other people get excited about Christmas, and even the rush and the crowds. But it is so easy to get caught up in this excitement that we forget the real excitement of Christmas. As fun as it is to give and receive gifts, we must remember the true Gift of Christmas. I only hope that among all the joy and fun of preparation and presents, we can instill in our kids that those things don't matter one bit. That the only real reason we celebrate Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ, our Savior. He is the true Gift.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Friday, November 2, 2007

It's A Girl!

We finally found out that we are indeed having a girl! We are all so happy! Charlie actually wanted two sisters, and of course, Madeline wanted a girl. I was okay either way, already having one of each, but I must now admit that I really wanted another girl. I never had a sister and always wanted one. So I cannot wait to watch Madeline and her little sister grow up together. And Charlie will be the older, protective big brother.

I am still trying to iron out my difficulties with posting pictures, but I will at least keep updating anyway.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Big Kindergartner!!

Well, my "Sweetest Boy" is now officially all grown up! Or so it seems anyway. He started Kindergarten on Monday with his lunch box and backpack, a new school, new teacher, and new friends. We took lots of pictures which I will post soon, and he loved all of it. He had no problem being left there and I had to actually get his attention to tell him I was leaving. I blew him a kiss at his big-boy desk and left with a small feeling of emptiness. I have to go home without him? All day? How will I know what he's doing? How he's doing? What will Madeline and I do alone? (And sure enough I keep hearing, "There's no one to play with me." Bless her heart.) So when Charlie got in the van after school, I asked him how it was. "Mmm, not good." Oh no, I thought, he must have cried for me or something. But I asked why and he said, "Because I was silly." Yikes! Did my child get in trouble the first day?? After further questioning, we figured maybe he got a warning or just told to calm down. But we are working on this. He said he had fun in the Centers- coloring, blocks, play-dough, and art. He enjoyed lunch and rest time, had music class and PE, and played on the playground with his friend, Jase. So I guess all in all, it was a good experience for him. Can you believe all they fit into one day?? And so next week, we begin again with Madeline and Preschool. Ugh! They grow up too fast! The only consolation I have is that we have #3 on the way and we get to do it all over again. But these are still my babies and the sadness remains.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Feeling better...

I haven't been around for a while because I have been pretty sick with this pregnancy. I think I spoke too soon in my last post. Anyway, after a few rough weeks, I am feeling better. I am still nauseous most of the time, but it is back to the "tolerable" level. I will be 12 weeks this Tuesday so we are happy about getting out of that first trimester. We went to the doctor two weeks ago and did an ultrasound. We saw the baby very clearly and it was moving it's little arms up and down. It also had a strong heartbeat which we both heard and saw. How exciting to know that the baby is okay and safe and snug inside my belly!! (Which is getting thicker and thicker...)

Charlie is beginning Kindergarten next week. I can't believe my little man is 5 years old and going to "big school!" We have school supplies all ready and we go to meet his teacher on Thursday. And Madeline starts Preschool September 4. She will be at Charlie's old school, and will be going on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am still teaching dance there and I am overjoyed to actually be teaching my own daughter dance!! Who would have thought?? Then on Wednesdays she will have piano like Charlie did. We go to Parent night this Tuesday, and a Play Day next Tuedsay for her.

Please continue to pray for our friend Debbie. She received a not-so-good report this week and now has to undergo radiation therapy every day for the next 5 weeks. This along with her chemo every other week. She is such a godly woman and firmly believes she is in God's hands. It is so easy for those of us who love her to be discouraged by the progression of her cancer, all the while she is contunually encouraged. She is truly an inspiration for all who come in contact with her. She is such an important part of our lives and we are blessed to be a part of hers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tracking Baby...

Please scroll all the way down to track our new baby's development!

Technical Difficulties

I am really trying to post about our San Antonio trip, but I am having troubles getting pictures posted for some reason. Bear with me, and I will hopefully figure this out!!

As for us, we are doing well. I have a little morning sickness, but it is still bearable. Charlie has changed his mind and now wants a baby brother, though says he will be happy if its a girl. Dave is away at children's camp- just one night, but next week he goes to Panama City Beach, Florida for a week for youth camp. Oh, the life of a Pastor's wife!! The summer is so busy for him and while I am so proud of him, I often find myself longing for his company. Especially now in the beginning of a pregnancy. But Mom will save the day and come spend part of next week with us. I am also getting ready for Dance Camp which is in two weeks. Pray that I will have more response than last year's 6 girls. I really feel God has allowed me to use my talent and passion in such a wonderful way- especially at my age. And I hope to continue it for a long time. But I need girls to want to take dance classes in Nocona. I will keep teaching as long as they keep coming- that's how I will know God is still affirming my call.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Here we go!"

That seems to be the end to my story as I tell everyone I know that we are expecting our third child! I am still in a state of shock I think, because we were neither trying nor preventing, and "here we go!" When I think of the reality of having three kids, I get completely overwhelmed. When I think of the aches and pains of pregnancy, I get completely overwhelmed. When I think of putting three kids through college, I get completely overwhelmed. But when I think of the fact that we put this decision in God's hands, getting off birth control, and neither deciding to or not to have another baby, and God gave us this baby, I am amazed. All babies are a miracle from God. And I know this baby is a miracle from God. But it's as if God has given me an answer to one question that I have been asking myself for months. "What if God has another baby for us?" Well, He does. And that makes this pregnancy even more special and wonderful.

Charlie and Madeline are very excited and both want a baby sister. Actually, Charlie wants twins. I promptly told him, "No!" but then I told him that it is God's decision if we have a boy or a girl or, even, twins. My life is about to be turned upside down either way, and I am at the same time excited, nervous, scared, overwhelmed, in shock, and so completely blown away by God's grace and faithfulness. As my friend Debbie always says, "What God brings us to, He'll carry us through!" I know this will be a wonderful addition to our family and yet another opportunity to fully depend on God for my every need.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

"It'll be so long..."

That's the statement from Charlie on several occasions this past week. "It'll be so long until Dad gets home." And my dutiful mother answer is "Oh, no it won't. It'll pass by before you know it!" Although the wife in me wants to answer, "I know and it's horrible!!" Well, someone has to be strong for the little ones just like our parents were strong for us. And mine were strong for me this week. Spending time with them has truly been a blessing and has indeed made the time pass more quickly. Tonight we returned home and are looking forward to tomorrow morning when our beloved daddy and husband returns from his travels. He had a successful trip even though the few times we were able to speak by phone were not enough. He preached, and the team visited many people, bring a precious few to Christ. They even got in some sight seeing and shopping. And as I write this they are in the air on their way home to us. Pray for safety in travels and thank you for your prayers for their health and a good trip. These prayers were answered and all are healthy. And of course there is already talk of returning next year!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mission Trip

Please join me in praying for a team of 5- including my wonderful husband Dave- that has gone to Brazil for the next 10 days. They are working with a famiily from our church that is now living there as Missionaries. Dave and the team will be helping to spread the Gospel to poeple who might otherwise not hear it. They have arrived safely, but please pray for them as they speak, as Dave preaches, that the people will have open hearts and minds to hear, that the team will be healthy, and that they will safely return to us next Monday. I am so very proud of this team and especially my husband for being brave enough to make this journey. Dave has a heart for Missions and has often said it is only me and our family that keeps him from going all over to share the Gospel. I am blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life. And maybe say a little prayer for us while you're at it. Ten days without Dave will be a challenge!! Hopefully we will all be better for it and God will use Dave and the team to win souls.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Well, the time has come for a vacation. We usually go to Florida every year to see Dave's side of the family. But this year we are also taking a vacation of our own to San Antonio. We will leave this Wednesday and return Saturday. We plan to visit Sea World, of course, and also the Zoo and the Riverwalk and anything that suits our fancy. The one thing the kids are looking forward to most is petting the dolphins at Sea World. Everyday, Charlie asks me how many days it is until we go. They are so excited! This will be the first vacation besides Florida that the four of us have taken together. So pray for us as we travel and that we will have a fun, safe time with no "incidents." And that the dolphins will cooperate!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

New Venture

Ok, as I said in my Title, I am often a starter of things and not so often a finisher of them. Let's hope this time I can follow through. Here's my newest Venture- An Online Store. I enjoy arts and crafts, and sewing, and making things, and so I thought, why not try to sell them? My newest things are nightlights- white shades on which I put fabrics and trims. And my other idea is tote bags with fabrics and trims. I am also thinking about some childrens clothes- shorts and t-shirts with trims, etc. Anyway, I have discovered online stores and am looking into starting one. So any ideas for a name would be welcomed. I have two- "The Shabby Cat," and "Chic 'N Shabby." I already have some nightlights in a store here in Nocona to see how they sell (or not). So hopefully look for a link to my new store soon and I will also post pictures of my new products as soon as I figure out how!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I know this is late, but my BIL reminded me with pics of his sweet ones that I had not posted my own Easter pictures yet! So here they are!

A New Favorite

In the past few months I have come to have a new favorite verse from the Bible.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Some of you know I have been going through a time of healing in the past couple of years and I praise God for that. He has brought me to a place in my life after many years of prayer and waiting, where I am truly learning to trust in Him. I always thought I did, but now that I have small children and am facing my worst fears, I am actually believing that His plan for me is Sovereign. And mine is not. I have endured a time of crisis these past two weeks and it may not be over, but through this time, as it sems to get worse before it gets better, my beautiful and best friend in the world, Christy, gave me these words... " God is not satisfied with a little dependence on Him, He wants ALL of our dependence on Him." WOW! How God has blessed me with this friend in my life and I can only hope everyone in the world can have one like her! (I have included a pic of her and her husband, Luke reading to my sweet Madeline.)

So continue to pray for me through this healing that God is working on. After so many years, it is hard to change and let go of control over my own life, thoughts and feelings. But God is faithful and His promises remain the same- plans to give me hope and a future.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Prayer for Debbie

Debbie Dennis is one of our most special friends. She is an in-town Mother to us and Grandmother to our kids. She takes care of us (my van ran out of gas last night and she and her son rescued me!) and babysits Charlie and Madeline frequently and loves them as her own. They love her just as much! Debbie was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer about 5 years ago. Her doctors have continually told her the prognosis is not good, and she has beat it every time. She is still undergoing Chemo and will indefinitely. She is the most godly woman I know. Her faith in Christ has gotten her through many surgeries and treatments, and allowed her to share her story and testimony with many people who would otherwise have no hope. Please join our family in praying for her, that ultimately she would be healed, but that also she would continue to be able to share Christ through this experience.

Relay For Life

The Relay For Life is a walk for a cure for Cancer. Our entire community participates every year and raises money for the American Cancer Society. It is amazing to see all of the support. It begins with a Survivor's Lap in which any survivor of Cancer can walk a lap around the track together, followed by a lap with their Caregivers. Then begins the walk in which teams (for instance, we had a First Baptist Chuirch team) will each have one person assigned a time to walk for 30 minutes. This continues all through the night because "Cancer Never Sleeps." There are all kinds of activities that go on thru the night (like the chocolate buffet at Midnight) and the kids have a great time running free in the stadium, playing with other kids and walking around the track.

This year I was so excited and proud to have my mother, Barbara, participate in the Survivor's lap having beat breast cancer in 1982. She has been cancer-free for 25 years! It was an awesome way to celebrate Mother's Day with her as the walk was on Friday night!

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was awesome for us- we had a lot of rest time. We spent the weekend with my mom and dad and had a wonderful steak dinner with them Saturday night. The kids gave me a beautiful cross, frame, and bracelet! They also gave me a flower in church.

A Good Start...

Here is an updated picture of Charlie and Madeline. We are looking forward to Summer and have just told the kids we are planning a trip to San Antonio and Sea World. They are very excited! I will post some of our most recent activities and pics as well.

My First Post!

I am new at this and don't know what I'm doing so bear with me. I want this to be a place where our wonderful Florida family and friends and all our family and friends can come to see what's going on in our lives, and see pictures of the kids. So it may be a while before I figure out how to work it.