Monday, June 30, 2008

Caroline's Dedication Story

On Sunday, June 22, we dedicated Caroline Faith to the Lord. What a sweet ceremony it was with our friends, Mandy and Russell also dedicating two of their daughters as well. Dave had the privilege and honor of dedicating the second of his three children and there were tears all around.

And I must tell another story of Debbie's presence in our lives. The dress Caroline wore was the same dress Debbie gave Madeline and that Madeline wore for her dedication. Madeline also wore a dress for Caroline's dedication that Debbie had given her. We continue to miss Debbie and do whatever we can to remember her.

Monday, June 16, 2008

3 Months Young

Oh, I cannot believe how time flies! My sweet baby girl is 3 months old and growing so big. At 3 months, she weighs 14lb. 9oz. Yikes! So here's all about Caroline at 3 months:

  • Lifts her head up from a lying down position
  • Tries to laugh but it comes out in breaths and coughs
  • Smiles for just about anyone
  • Pushes to one side with one leg when on her back
  • Still nursing like a champ
    Still spitting and sometimes needs me to stand up to nurse
  • Sleeping 9-10 hours at night
  • Is learning when it's time to sleep- swaddled in bed
  • Can be put down awake
  • Likes Pat-A-Cake
  • Wiggles and Inched around the floor when on her back
  • Is such a happy baby

And here are the things I love so much:

  • Getting her up in the morning and getting sweet morning smiles
  • When she tries so hard to laugh and can just cough or grunt
  • When she smiles at her brother and sister
  • When she raises her eyebrows and wrinkles her forehead
  • Cuddling in bed together to nurse and/or nap
  • Watching her watch her daddy sing in church
  • Watching her suck her tongue
  • That she is such a content and happy baby

Friday, June 13, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

My dear husband thinks I watch entirely too much TV. Not only that, but that I watch too many reality shows. And while I really enjoy Survivor, Design Star, and the Bachelor/Bachelorette, and used to enjoy American Idol, the one I really look forward to with bated breath each season is So You Think You Can Dance. I can't get enough of this show for obvious reasons. I am so glad that dance is finally becoming something to watch for America. I am glad it has an outlet, and that some of the most amazing choreographers in America are getting their due. I am also glad that I have an outlet for my passion as my body gets older and won't quite do the things it used to, or that I want it to. And, yes, I am jealous. Very jealous. I would love nothing more than to be young and in shape again and be able to dance to my heart's content. It is and always will be in my blood. I must post this dance from last season. I think it is my favorite of all seasons, but mind you, it is a tad racy. Forgive that as I just want you to see the kind of dancing I would give my two front teeth to do.

WOW. This type of dance is called Contemporary, and I could get lost in it. It is so expressive and these two dancers- Allison and Ivan- were awesome. So this season has begun, and I already have a few favorites. We'll see what happens. Pray for my husband as he endures my addiction to this show and as he must sit back and watch me actually vote! And hopefully one day soon, this 35-year-old will find herself back in studio for dance class.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well, Summer is here and it is time to regroup. We have already been out of town for a week while Dave was preaching a camp in Brownwood. We went to my parent's house for a few days, and then to my sweet friend Christy's for the next few. We had such fun and everything went well. Caroline even continued to sleep thru the night while we were not at our own home. Fabulous! Now we are home and things must settle into some kind of normal for us. I have decided to put us on a schedule so that we can actually accomplish a few things this summer. We will have times for Bible study, reading, resting, outside play, and even some studies. We will have certain times for meals and snacks so that I can stop the endless "Can I have a snack?" questions. And we will have time for free time- that will include scrapbooking and organizing projects for me as well. And of course, we need exercise time. So, all these plans- pray for me that I will be diligent to stick with the schedule and also have time for bonding with my kids and caring for an infant.

For those of you who don't know, I am attempting this in an effort to see how I might be at homeschooling. Dave and I are prayerfully considering homeschooling our kids this next year, and I need to check my confidence. I am a very disorganized person although my every wish is to be organized. And I am very much a procrastinator. So, this summer is my trial run, so to speak. As we continue to pray for God's will for us in this area, I will continue to be moldable in hopes that I will be ready for whatever He has in store.